So you want to start a painting company

calculate painting cost of window frame
Being an entrepreneur is great.

Being a painter maybe not so much.

But getting paid while painters do all the work…


First of all, painting is a great service.

Lot’s of things need paint.

Paint needs to be consistently re-applied.

That means a never ending supply of potential earnings.

And most paint jobs have a great margin.

So here are a few entrepreneur tips to get you going on your painting journey.

First, don’t do the painting yourself.

No matter what.

Hire someone.

If you cannot afford to pay them, then start them on a commission deal.

Ok, painter check.

Now create a website.

Nothing fancy.

Think Google in terms of style: simple, clean, direct.

Put your number at the top of the page and keep it there: don’t let it leave the page as the user looks around.

Add a quote request form to the page and keep it there as the user looks around.

Here’s an example of what I mean:

If you cannot afford a website go YouTube it.

You can literally learn anything on YouTube.

Now go place adds on Google, Craigslist, Facebook, Yelp etc that point to your website.

Now figure out your pricing.

When a lead comes in get their info and head over to google and get three quotes that are similar to the size job you have.

Do this a few times and you’ll figure out the market cost for your service.

Figure out a dollar per square foot value and price accordingly.

That’s enough to get you going on your painting journey.

Until next time, remember to wash your paint brush.